Friday, May 16, 2008

Cinderella dressed in yellow...

I have officially taken up a new hobby for the summer. Jumproping. I've read in so many places that it's great for your health, a good way to build endurance AND tone those muscles (2 things i could definitley use) so i decided to give it a try. Last night i made a quick stop at wal-mart and picked up my very own jumprope...(and 2 movies for $8, what a deal!!) Anyways, this morning i woke up bright and early and hopped out of bed because i was just so excited to test it out. I use to be pretty dang super at it when i was little so i figured this would be cake, needless to say, it's tougher then it looks. It took me all morning, a break, and then part of the afternoon to get up to 50 consecutive jumps! But no worries by the end of the summer i'll be jumping for hours at a time and have mastered tricks like this, no sweat.

1 comment:

charlotte said...

I expect a jump-roping demonstration when I see you again--don't disappoint me Brooke.