Thursday, October 7, 2010

Only the coolest slide EVER!

This afternoon we went to a cool park nearby called Kanonzaki (Sp?) Park. It had this cool ship playground and a ropes course type thing complete with a zipline, but the most awesome thing at the park was the roller slide. You started at the top of this hill and it went on forever, you couldn't see the bottom and you slid down on a foam pad and you went so fast. You can tell I really loved it because instead of being all grammatical and giving a good detailed description I'm giving you the 5 year old description. I think it's because I loved it so much that I can't think straight when I start to think about it. IT was so much fun. I can't wait to go back. I'm going to build one of these in the states because every child, adult and baby should slide down one of these.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Now that sounds awesome.