Sunday, October 11, 2009

Word of the Year

Charlotte a few years back got me hooked on choosing a word to center your year. It's great because instead of making goals each new year that you more than likely will forget about by the end of January, you just keep your word in mind and try to focus your life on that. It's been a really great experience and has really bettered my life in so many ways. Last year my word was overcome, and this year my word is simplify and i know it's only October, but while reading my scriptures one night this week, i had a stroke of genius and my word for next year came to me. I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, because it's still this year so i'm still focusing on simplifying, but I'm excited for my word next year.


Charlotte said...

I love it that you pick a word of the year too! (We can owe all of that to my cousin Michelle.) And I love it when I think of my word early; I still haven't thought of a 2010 word yet. . . . Can't wait to see what yours is!

beckie. said...

AH PS I am reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter and it is SO good!!!