Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Break

Basically, in a nutshell, i love going home. Not always for extended periods of time but 2 weeks at a time is just about perfect. By the time finals had let up and i had finished moving into my new apartment, the only place i wanted to be was home. I figured, one short airplane trip and voila! i would be home. Nope, not so much. We arrived at the airport at 4a.m. (because we had to take someone else who had an earlier flight) and my flight, which was suppose to leave around 8a.m., got delayed and didn't leave until 1p.m., which means i missed my connecting flight in Dallas and didn't leave there until like 8 and i finally arrived home around 10p.m. LOOOOOOOONG day!

Home was great though. B and Ash came to visit for a week and so everyone except Lance and Jess were there for christmas! It was great just to chill at home and enjoy being with family. For christmas i got Heather's old george foreman grill, a hand mixer, a thumb drawing kit, and a camera!! And i got some other good stuff but i dont' really remember. Anyways, needless to say now i can add pictures to my blog! yay!! Here are some that i took over break. (Warning: most are of Ethan and Kailey)
Ethan LOVES vacuums. He would go down with Papa (my dad) and vacuum up after him as he did his wood carving. Everytime my mom would vacuum the house, no matter where he was, he'd yello VACUUM and run and want to help. He loves to clean.
Dad won our family fantasy football league this year. After a long struggle, Aaron finally handed the trophy over to Dad. Next year, i'm winning it. Dad, also over break, found out that he broke his foot....back in October, but only barely went to the doctor now. crazy huh? how can someone walk on a broken foot for that long?
I miss this girl. My favorite thing while home was going and getting Kailey out of her crib when she woke up in the morning or from her nap. You would peer over the side of the crib and she'd look up at you and smile this huge smile. If that doesn't make you feel loved, i'm not sure what does.
And of course I miss this boy. He's the only man i need in my life. I miss his goodnight hugs and kisses and he was in charge of picking who said prayer. He's just so funny. I wish i could see my nieces and nephew everyday.

Home was great, but i'm glad to be back in Provo.


charlotte said...

What a ShamWow break, despite the long time it took getting there. I love it that Ethan loves the vacuum--Heather must love that particular trait!

Heather said...

Brooke, I miss you and Ethan and Kailey do to. We had so much fun with you and can't wait to see you in May. Start saving your money to come live with us when we move to Japan!! You are the kids favorite aunt!!! Ethan still calls on you for prayer, even though you are gone!